CEG Pahou Ahozon Secondary School

Location: Atlantique, Ouidah, Pahou, Ahozon, Benin

Project Scope: 4 classrooms

Impacted Children: 500 children

Timeline: April 2022 – August 2022

Community Involvement: Security, Water, Labor, Maintenance, Clean-up

Coalition: Build-A-School Initiative

Background: Pahou Ahozon is a secondary school that serves 11 nearby villages in a rural area in Benin. With an estimated 500 out-of-school children in the area, the new school allows classroom access to children who are living in extreme poverty. Prior to construction 19 out of 30 classess were being taught outside, resulting in missed education during bad weather. The new classroom block provides classroom space for an additional 400 students!

Stories from CEG Pahou Ahozon

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