Connect with Africa.
Make a Friend(ship bracelet)!
93 million children in sub-Saharan Africa are out of school, many for lack of a classroom. Coafrica partners with motivated communities to bring safe, durable classrooms to their villages. These children often lack basic needs, including the need for connection. Connect with Africa and help us gather enough friendship bracelets for our trip this April. Each friendship bracelet will be matched by a donation from the local construction company TNS Construction!

Step 1: Make your bracelets
Gather your friends and family! All you need is embroidery floss, scissors, and a piece of tape.
Step 2: Take a Picture
Take a picture of your group with your bracelets and send it in to These pictures will be shown to African children when they receive their bracelets from you.
Step 3: Mail or Deliver
Mail or deliver your bracelets by April 1, 2022 to Coafrica at:
3546 S Millhaven Circle
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Contact with any questions.