• Classrooms in Africa are so overcrowded that many classes meet outside under the trees! Building new classroom blocks provides children with a safe structure to learn in. For $1500, you can provide children with roofing sheets that will protect them from African wind and rain! 100% of donations go directly towards projects.
  • Many African classrooms employ creative means to learn with the limited resources they have. In one African school, teachers strung new concepts in slips of paper outside in the trees! Obviously, these creative methods have their limitations, especially during monsoon season. Chalkboards allow children to learn all year round, regardless of the season! 100% of donations go directly towards projects.
  • An average of 7500 bricks are needed for each classroom block! Many of the communities surrounding our projects contribute to the school construction by purchasing brick molds and cement mix and creating the bricks themselves! The money they spend on the bricks of the school often detracts from the money they could be spending for food for their families. 100% of donations go directly towards projects.
  • In Malawi and Zambia, communities are required to provide housing for government-provided teachers, 95% of whom are married with children. This is one of the perks of being a teacher, and is a large benefit of the teaching profession in these countries. Usually, this housing consists of a small two or three bedroom home with no plumbing or electricity.  Despite the meager cost, many villages have no ability to provide this housing, resulting in fewer teachers willing to teach in these more remote schools due to logistical constraints.  There are many qualified teachers ready to teach in these rural villages on a more permanent basis if they had staff housing. Help us construct these simple staff houses in our Malawi and Zambian communities so we can attract better and more permanent teachers to our schools. 100% of donations go directly towards projects.
  • Very few children make it to secondary school (high school) in Malawi. Only EIGHT percent of primary school children attend secondary school. All primary school fees are covered by the government. However, secondary school costs are beyond the reach of many poor families living below the poverty line. We have teamed with a trusted school in Malawi to help provide sponsorships for high achieving secondary students. With your help, these students will be able to complete their secondary education. When you choose to sponsor a student, you are choosing to gift education to those who are truly deserving of your aid. $130 will provide a single scholarship for one term. 100% of donations go directly towards projects.
  • When we build a classroom, we know that we are providing a durable and safe space for students, where they can learn, grow, and change their future.   Our vision is to have every child in a classroom.  Help us make this possible by donating $99 to cover the cost of classroom space for one student!  Not only that, but this is the gift that keeps giving.  Each student space is used over and over and over again every year - eventually by hundreds of students!  The impact of this donation multiplies and keeps on giving! 100% of donations go directly towards projects.
  • Each classroom block we design contains four classrooms and one office or flex space. After much research and experience, we feel this is the best, most durable, and most inexpensive way to provide much needed classrooms to these communities.  For more information, please see our model. Help us touch the lives of thousands, provide a place for learning, and eventually open the door of opportunity for these African children. 100% of donations go directly towards projects.
  • Classroom

    Over 93 million children in Sub-Saharan Africa are out of school  - many due to lack of classrooms or lack of adequate classroom facilities. Did you know that the rainy season in Africa will shut down outdoor classes for as many as six months out of the year?   Whether it’s adding a classroom to bring in out-of-school children or providing a classroom for classes that currently meet under the trees, classroom construction is vital in empowering African students with education to change their lives.   100% of donations go directly towards projects.
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