Since Benin’s EPP Adjadji-Cossoe’s groundbreaking ceremony where young students raised signs of gratitude for their new school, construction has proceeded at a rapid pace!

EPP Adjadji-Cossoe will provide a school for children in three villages who could not make the daily five kilometer trek to other complexes in the area.

Construction began on May 24th, and in the following two weeks alone, the community and skilled laborers excavated the area, leveled out and put concrete in the foundation, and finished a substructure of blockwork.

Since then, combined efforts have led to roof trusses and the superstructure of blockwork complete with beams and columns.

The school is now 60% finished!

With this astounding progress, we want to acknowledge Victor, our project coordinator, and the community members who voluntarily sacrificed for the construction of this school — thank you!

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