Funds Needed to Complete Third Classroom Block: $30,000

We are sounding the call for donations to be able to complete a third classroom block at the Chilima Primary School in Malawi.

In order to operate at full capacity, the primary school needs 10 classrooms. We have finished 7 of these needed classrooms, but need about $30,000 to be able to finish the three final classrooms. To read more about the construction of the other classroom blocks, click here!

Currently, grades 1-3 are taught outside while they await the completion of their classroom block. Watch this video as students from Chilima explain why learning outside can prove problematic.

Allow us to introduce you to grades 1-3 at Chilima Primary School:

We need your donations! If 100 people donate $300 each, we will have enough funds to complete the classroom block. Donate today and change their world!

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