Ketere Primary School

Location: Ketere, Songo Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria

Project Scope: 7 classrooms

Impacted Children: 500

Timeline: April – September 2022

Community Involvement: Labor, clean up, security and maintenance

Coalition: BASIA, Nigerian government, LDS Charities

Background: Ketere Primary School is located in a rural area of Nigeria. Founded in 1954, this school serves more than 400 children. Before construction began, the walls of the school were crumbling and there was severe damage to the roof. With the help of the Nigerian government and LDS Charities,  BASIA and Coafrica were able to renovate an existing building as well as construct a new classroom block. The result: a total of 7 new classrooms! In just one year, we’ve seen a 57% increase in enrollment with 4 new teachers. We look forward to following the growth of this school!

Stories from Ketere

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