CEG Kpogan Update
Coafrica2021-11-12T00:25:23-07:00Because of strong community support, construction on CEG Kpogan has progressed rapidly and the project was completed May 4, 2021. That's 3 weeks ahead of schedule!
Because of strong community support, construction on CEG Kpogan has progressed rapidly and the project was completed May 4, 2021. That's 3 weeks ahead of schedule!
On March 4, 2021, we broke ground on the new CEG Kpogan school in Lambou, Togo. Leaders in the local community attended a groundbreaking ceremony. The community is very excited for this school!
The “Co” in Coafrica stands for our coalition with others pursuing the same vision - a world where every child has access to a classroom. We have been so fortunate in our current coalition partners, specifically with BASIA.