Location: Chipata, Zambia
Project scope: 4 classrooms, 3 offices and latrines
Impacted Children: 800 current and 700 additional children
School schedule: Split schedule, morning and afternoon sessions
Timeline: June 2020 – April 2021
Community Involvement: Clear land, supply water to construction site, security, utilize existing blocks from prior projects to construct latrines.
Background: Magazine Primary School was cramming half its students in a dilapidated building and the other half outdoors. During the rainy season, teaching outside was impossible and half the roof was missing on the crumbling structure used to teach those indoors, which meant that any kind of class during the heavy rains was impossible. Now, the school has classrooms that are sturdy and weather safe allowing for school to run uninterrupted. Since completion of the classroom block, the school has seen a nearly 40% increase in enrollment and has doubled the number of teachers! We are so excited to watch this school grow and bless the community.