EPP De Pedakondji Primary School

Location:ย Pedakondji, Anfoin, P. Lacs, Togo

Impacted Children:ย  400 students

Timeline: ย April 2022 – August 2022

Community Involvement: Labor, clean-up, and maintenance

Background: ย EPP de Pedakondji had been in operation for 27 years, with an enrollment of almost 400 students. We anticipated an increase to almost 600 students upon completion of the new classroom block. Because of the extreme poverty in the area, many young children in the villages surrounding Pedakondji are obliged to go to work with their parents during the day. The boys often accompany their fathers to the farm, and the girls often accompany their mothers to market in order to sell products that support the family. To help with this, the new classroom block is being used as a first-year school (a pre-school) to keep these children in school while their families work. We are excited to follow the impact of this school on the community over time!

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